Thursday, October 31, 2013


Journal - Tell me about the color scheme of your product website? What is it? Why did you choose these colors? How do these color relate to your target market and audience? How do the colors relate to the product? What plans do you have to make these colors work for your site?

Color scheme of my website is going to a mixture of blue, black and white and different colors. I choose this color scheme because it would be easy on the eyes so people could read it very easy. They relate to my target market and my audience of 5-30 year old because when you get older people will get board of it and just give it up. If you want the product but your over 30 its ok. The color scheme relates to the product easy since the face of my product is black and white. 

Monday, October 28, 2013


Journal – what did you choose for your product website? What is your idea behind the site? Describe your site in a paragraph.

What I choose for a product website is Trolo Products. The idea behind the site you was to trolo your friends with different products besides a T-shirt. My site has about 10-13 products with a contact and a home page. The website will be done at the latest in two weeks, but it will take time. Trolo website has a home page, Trolo about and Trolo Contact if you have any questions or complaints. We have different types of products for you to trolo your friends or family. 

Monday, October 21, 2013


Journal - What have you learned about copyrights when it comes to web design and images this semester? Why is it important to give credit where credit is due (even if it is a lot of work)?

I learned about copyrights that an image is not for use to any person. Some people say that images on the internet should be used for anyone. It should be used for all people as long as they give the credit to the person how put the image online. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Journal - Tell me about your Homecoming weekend (whether you went to the activities or not!). Tell me about what you did over the weekend.

Well after school Friday I went to the parade. Before the Homecoming game that started early  because of storms. During the game you could see lighting in the distance, but the stadium was so loud I don't think  people heard the thunder. Saturday I went to Homecoming with a date. After Saturday and which was Sunday I watched football all day and I won my fantasy football game. 

Monday, October 7, 2013


Journal - Go Google "website wireframe". What do you find? Look at images and web content. What is a wireframe? How can a wireframe be helpful and give you ideas when creating and designing a website?

I find a blueprint of a plan to make a website that makes sense and that they make sure that they dont back track. A wireframe is a screen blueprint of  a plan to build a website and where the content is going to go. It helps to have a plan so you can build the website the way you want it