Friday, December 6, 2013


  1. What are you most proud of on your product website? Explain what it is and why you are proud of that specific item. This could be a design, layout, image, navigation, etc. The most thing I'm proud of  on my website is the ideas and creation and thought put into it. 
  2. Looking back on the website process and after seeing other students websites, what would you have done differently? Would you have spent more time on it? Mapped out the original idea better? Explain. I would have spent more time on the layout because most websites had some catch to it and mine didn't so I would work on that a little bit more. 
  3. Thinking about just the "interaction" element of your website; meaning how the user interacts with the design and layout - where they click and how they navigate through the site. What did you do to make this easier on the user? What could you have done better to make the interaction of your site better? Explain. I made the reading and the finding things easy for the reader because if you want them to see your site you need it to be easy and simple for them to keep going deeper in. 
  4. Think back to all the websites you looked at yesterday in class, was there a website that stood out to your or was a favorite of yours (besides your own)? What made it good? Why was it your favorite. Explain. I was not here for that part if it. But if I was here, bet there would be alot of good ones of there.
  5. If you were to give advice to future web design students about this project, what would you tell them? Why would you tell them that? I would tell them to listen to the teachers and that if you need help ask the teacher or someone around you. When it comes to this project, make the website your own. Have thoughts because some people did phones and other things. You want yours to stand out and be creative.  

Monday, December 2, 2013


Journal - Reflect on your product website so far. What have you learned? What do you like about your website? What have you found frustrating? What do you wish you knew before you started? Go in to detail about the learning process as you have built this site.

I learned that you can create a template in dreamweaver, and that you can create some sort of thing were you can only edit that spot that you selected in the pages you created. What I like about my website is that I can create what ever product site I want and what products can be in it. What I found frustrating is that it is hard to do what you want it to do. What I wanted to wish I learned was that how to move things around without messing up the whole page. The learning process I learned is that we have to make a template, dropdown menu. Those things have helped me to where my webiste is where it is today. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Journal - Tell me about the color scheme of your product website? What is it? Why did you choose these colors? How do these color relate to your target market and audience? How do the colors relate to the product? What plans do you have to make these colors work for your site?

Color scheme of my website is going to a mixture of blue, black and white and different colors. I choose this color scheme because it would be easy on the eyes so people could read it very easy. They relate to my target market and my audience of 5-30 year old because when you get older people will get board of it and just give it up. If you want the product but your over 30 its ok. The color scheme relates to the product easy since the face of my product is black and white. 

Monday, October 28, 2013


Journal – what did you choose for your product website? What is your idea behind the site? Describe your site in a paragraph.

What I choose for a product website is Trolo Products. The idea behind the site you was to trolo your friends with different products besides a T-shirt. My site has about 10-13 products with a contact and a home page. The website will be done at the latest in two weeks, but it will take time. Trolo website has a home page, Trolo about and Trolo Contact if you have any questions or complaints. We have different types of products for you to trolo your friends or family. 

Monday, October 21, 2013


Journal - What have you learned about copyrights when it comes to web design and images this semester? Why is it important to give credit where credit is due (even if it is a lot of work)?

I learned about copyrights that an image is not for use to any person. Some people say that images on the internet should be used for anyone. It should be used for all people as long as they give the credit to the person how put the image online. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Journal - Tell me about your Homecoming weekend (whether you went to the activities or not!). Tell me about what you did over the weekend.

Well after school Friday I went to the parade. Before the Homecoming game that started early  because of storms. During the game you could see lighting in the distance, but the stadium was so loud I don't think  people heard the thunder. Saturday I went to Homecoming with a date. After Saturday and which was Sunday I watched football all day and I won my fantasy football game. 

Monday, October 7, 2013


Journal - Go Google "website wireframe". What do you find? Look at images and web content. What is a wireframe? How can a wireframe be helpful and give you ideas when creating and designing a website?

I find a blueprint of a plan to make a website that makes sense and that they make sure that they dont back track. A wireframe is a screen blueprint of  a plan to build a website and where the content is going to go. It helps to have a plan so you can build the website the way you want it

Monday, September 23, 2013


Journal - What three cities did you choose for your travel website? Why did you choose these cities? Explain.

Honolulu, Orlando, Washington D.C. The reason I choose those cities is because I think those are were I had the most time there. Honolulu was my first trip overseas. I've been to Orlando so many times I couldn't keep count. And Washington D.C. was my first trip to see a Capital of a country. These are why I chose these cities for my travel website.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Tell me about your weekend. Where did you go? What did you do?

Well for this weekend I didn't go anywhere since I was doing other things. Saturday I was learning how to drive on the real streets because I drove on 159th street and Nall Av. Sunday I was watching the Cheifs game since they were the only on one at the moment. I was also tracking my fantasy football score in which I'm winning 45-118. So I had a pretty fun weekend. 

Friday, September 13, 2013


 What are some things that you have wished you could do in Dreamweaver that you haven't been able to do? What do you want to learn how to do when making a website? Explain.

I haven't known to do anything in Dreamweaver except to make a website. But if there were things I wish to do is to make the background different colors and all sorts of cool things. What did I want to learn how to do when making a website is probably to make it perfectly because no one is perfect at making one unless your a pro, but I want to see what a great website is. 

Monday, September 9, 2013


What makes a website “user friendly”? Elaborate on your answer.

What makes a website user friendly is were it is readable, easy to read and look around. Also it means to be for all users just not for just one set of users. User friendly can be all sorts of things, but mainly it means to be nice and friendly so all users can use it. People get it mixed up when they think of different things for user friendly all I think it is for people to read and do thing easily for all ages. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


List all the different file types you can think of. What types of files and images do you think are best for a website? What do you know about copyrights? How do you avoid using copyrighted images?

Jpeg.  Gif  Png PDF  Jpeg is because you can adjust images with a format. Copyrights are people who posts stuff on the internet and want credit for it. The only I know how to avoid a copyright is to cite the photo and give credit to the person with the photo.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


What have you learned about making a website so far? What has been easy about it and what has been frustrating? Explain.

What i have learned about making a website is that you need to do all of this hyper linking and getting photos from the internet and citing it. The easy part of making a website for first timers is all of they hyper linking it may seem like that is really making people mad of repeating it over like thousand times. The most frustrating part of this maybe is actually building the whole thing because something may not work right or you messed up on  something and you don't know how to undo it. Building websites are really hard and takes hard work but you can make one.  

Monday, August 26, 2013


 Tell me if you agree with this statement and then explain why or why not. "Images on the internet are 'free game' - if someone posted I should be able to use it."

I don't agree with that because some people don't even know if their picture is up there and people use it without giving the correct citing for it. Images are on the internet because people may need to see an example, but most images are for examples and not for taking. Images that are posted on the internet should be copyright so people cant take it without citing it first. Plagiarism for a school project with images could get you into alot of trouble if you don't cite it so in my opinion images are not free they have to be cited before because can take them. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013


What do you know about plagiarism? What do you know about plagiarism on the internet? How do web design, the internet and plagiarism all effect each other? Explain.

Plagiarism is cheating or copying without give credit to the owner of the paper or work. Punishments for Plagiarism can result in redoing the whole work or getting expelled from school. Plagiarism on the internet is when someone posts something intended to help someone and not be stolen off the internet to be used for their own work without citing it and giving credit for it. 

Plagiarism can affect web design and  the internet in different ways. Saying if you have homework to do and its building a website you can use many different ways. Also you can always just steal a website and call it your own without doing any of the work. It all ties in because the internet helped you reach the website and web design is making websites and you just stole one right off the internet. They all affect each other because it all ties in and stealing a website could make it easy to steal it but chances are you will get caught doing it somehow. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Journal - After watching the short clip of Ashton Kutcher's acceptance speech what did you take away from his advice? What does this quote mean to you -"Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you, and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use."

          What Ashton Kutchers speech was a influenced  many people in the crowd. What he means by his quote is that people before you messed up this world in one way or another, but you can change it by making a mark in this world. None of those people are smarter than you because they messed up this world by doing crimes and all of that dumb stuff. If you are willing to make an impact then go ahead and do it change the world and help future generations have a safe world. Be thoughtful is another word that Ashton used in his speech if you just be thoughtful to other people around you, you could make a big impact on those around you. Build your own things so that other people can use is like saying that people will get into trouble because they are bored. Well then build a community center so that other people can use it for fun and other stuff.